Sometimes in life its good to have a fresh start so that is what I am doing making a fresh start for my writing. Wiping the slate clean and doing it all again can be a daunting prospect, So my fresh start is writing my blog again and starting my writer bureau course.
Just recently I had my first assignment marked and the comments were generally positive although I do need to work on being more descriptive.
I have set myself some goals which I intend to achieve and it will take time to do these. Firstly get cracking on the course and improve my writing eventually I would like to make this a full time career, I know I have a lot of work ahead. Hopefully these blogs will show how much my writing has developed, luckily I have a lot of support from my family and my friends on Facebook.
Another goal is to start my review blog back up because I am a big movie fan and I want to stretch myself and review other stuff like TV shows and books plus many other stuff. I need to read more books which is an area I am lacking the most and reading is an important part of the writing process and supporting other writers is a great thing to do.
I am excited about things to come and just really happy to be writing again and I hope you will all follow my journey. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, you can also follow my page on Facebook shaun Myword.
thank you for the continued support
my words
Wednesday, 17 April 2019
Saturday, 28 June 2014
comic book theory
Comic book theory
I have decided to write my own comic book series so a little
research was needed to help me prepare for my journey, there are a lot of
similarities between the books and webpages I have looked at mainly death and
destruction in the origin story for example spidermans uncle ben was killed
supermans planet blew up and of course batmans parents were killed.
These deaths started their stories using powers and gadgets
to seek justice they have their own code of conduct which is basically do not
kill of course these vary between the hundreds of comic book characters such as
the punisher who has no problem with killing bad guys, his wife and son were
killed so you can see a theme coming along.
Of course every hero has a villain or several and comic book
legend stan lee has often said the villians can be more fun to write about than
the hero sometimes these characters have a dark history of abuse or they are
just plain power hungry this also varies between between villians sometimes
they just have an obsession with destroying the hero.
Sometimes the heroes from different books team up together
to beat a common foe for example secret wars a marvel story also you have the
more famous groups such as the avengers and justice league and also the xmen.
Although these are basic fundamentals of comic book lore I have
come up with a gameplan for my own comic which I thought I would share with you
all I would like your opinions
Step one
Introduce one hero at a time and a villain as well start my
world off slowly before adding new characters.
Step two
Come up with a bigger story involving new a bigger plot
Step three
A character that ties it all together I have two characters
that can do this one is a normal police detective who stumbles across this
secret world plus an android who watches and in some cases creates some heroes
These are simple steps which are basic my only problem is
which of my characters I should use first so again thanks for checking out my
blog and thanks for your support
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
a tribute to Rik
i remember sat in the in the new theatre in oxford with some friends waiting for two comedy legends to come out and put on a live show of their sitcom bottom of course i am talking about Rik Mayall and Ade Edmonson for bottom live paradise island, and what a show it was.
i have always been a fan of Riks work from the comic strip to man down i was upset that the great man had passed away recently, he was an inspiration to me i wanted to write comedy because of him i loved the arrogant and weird characters he played.
so i decided to look into some of the stuff i hadnt seen like filthy, rich and catflap also rik mayall presents and i must say i enjoyed them both, it has also spurred me on to get my arse in gear and get writing.
sometime stuff like this can open your mind and your heart and Rik certainly touched alot of hearts and he will be missed and occasionally i will get a dvd out watch some young ones or bottom and take it all in and celebrate an icon of comedy who will never be forgotton.
so to finish my little tribute i want you all to think what you want in life he died aged 56 he left a son and two daughters and a wife and an army of fans.
so make the most of life do what you want to do to be happy because you never know how long you have left embrace change and be all you can be.
thanks Rik
i have always been a fan of Riks work from the comic strip to man down i was upset that the great man had passed away recently, he was an inspiration to me i wanted to write comedy because of him i loved the arrogant and weird characters he played.
so i decided to look into some of the stuff i hadnt seen like filthy, rich and catflap also rik mayall presents and i must say i enjoyed them both, it has also spurred me on to get my arse in gear and get writing.
sometime stuff like this can open your mind and your heart and Rik certainly touched alot of hearts and he will be missed and occasionally i will get a dvd out watch some young ones or bottom and take it all in and celebrate an icon of comedy who will never be forgotton.
so to finish my little tribute i want you all to think what you want in life he died aged 56 he left a son and two daughters and a wife and an army of fans.
so make the most of life do what you want to do to be happy because you never know how long you have left embrace change and be all you can be.
thanks Rik
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
an interview with the reviewer adele symonds
Welcome everyone thanks for joining us for this new interview I would like to introduce my good friend and talented reviewer and writer Adele Symonds thank s for letting me interview you adele
You're welcome, it is good to be here.

I have always loved reading and wanted to find a way of making my reading and writing turn from a hobby to a full-time career. I had a long-term plan in mind. I started small and began by reviewing the books which I was reading anyway and I joined the WB Creative writing course. It wasn't long though before I was being sought out to do reviews and I was getting requests and books sent to me from all over the globe.
This is not a paying profession though unless you can get a job as a reviewer for a famous literary magazine.

On my blog I have 95 books reviewed and I have a stack of physical books awaiting review and a virtual stack of e-books.

busy busy busy then lol
so I have read your latest review and I was very impressed by the detail you go through

I do not see the point in saying something so vague that it could be about any book. Reviews need to be specific and honest, they need to comment on the overall feel and enjoyment of the book, the plot itself and the character development. Mention should also be made of anything that particularly moved you as a reader. Sometimes negative criticism has to be made but I always temper this by making sure I have made at least 3 positive comments for every negative, if you look hard enough even in the most dire book, there will be something that you can find to like.

There is one other person with the same name, in Australia, she is a promoter. Otherwise all you get is page after page of me, lol!

couldn't bring myself to look at him lol
this is the snog marry avoid question
hugh jackman james cordan and micheal mcintyre

hmmm! depends whether you believe it's history or not but I would have liked to be a bystander at Jesus's birth

could you imagine saying to her make sure theres plenty of water around hes gonna do a really cool trick
he may be a founder of the magic circle

well that's a difficult question in some ways sweets last longer in the mouth I play the fruit pastel game and try not to chew them
ok my question can you eat a doughnut without licking your lips?

I have tried, many times, this was a favourite game with the kids... but alas, I fail.
Question 3, Favourite holiday destination?

well a favourite of mine has to porthcawl in south wales I spent many family holidays there im hoping to go back this year

A weeping willow? They are beautiful, they are always to be found near water and you can hide under one denoting protection
If you could have lunch with one person, living or dead, who would it be.

that was a great answer
right my answer now ive said roald dahl in an old interview so a living person would have to be james cordon or ricky gervais
because the body of work they have created have been impressive
im gonna relay that question to you

cool! I would like to be a fly upon the wall and listen in if you ever met Ricky Gervais, the conversation would be hilarious.

Okay I would like to have a meal with Stephen King, I think he has a lot to teach, or Mitch Albom - his books are an inspiration.

Read the books instead
Books are not as scary because you can only picture the scenes as vividly as your subconscious will allow.

well depending on where I am im assuming im with lois I would ring my close family then I would leave a message on facebook which would be as follows: goodbye everyone if you come back as zombies please don't eat me I will be on the floor for a long time and theres a three second rule you may catch something

Report · 20:09
Good answer.

No I tend to be very practical, I wouldn't need to rent and my life would be a lot easier, therefore I would have more time to read and write
I wouldn't have to sleep on the sofa anymore either

not unusual, I wouldn't say but I think the most important writing tips are:
1) Write!
2) Edit!
2) Get somebody else to edit!
It should be 1,2, 3 I can't count lol
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