this is a gift to all those who have supported me i hope you enjoy please leave a comment and let me know what you think thank you
The war begins
metalax a large metallic planet orbiting a binary star in the alpha centauri system home of the metallic beings known as the metalaxians for millions of years they have been at peace but now as worlds are forming new civilisations are emerging and the threat of war comes closer to metalix the metalaxians decide to act so they gather all the top researchers and scientists to Altihex the research and development area.
Lead scientist Nightwing starts the meeting “my fellow metalaxians for millions of years we have been at peace but the ion probes we have launched into space have found some disturbing finds new worlds with civilisations with weapons are at war with other planets and its only a matter of time before their war comes to us so here is my solution i have a metalaxian military planned for the defense of our planet i need your backing before i can go to the elders” Skylight spoke “why do we need weapons there must be another more diplomatic solution i don’t agree with you Nightwing” Darkfire stood up and answered “my dear friend Skylight your shortsightedness worries me i think Nightwing is correct we need to act now before disaster strikes our planet we cannot defend ourselves if war does come to metalax” Nightwing looked over at Alpha One the head scientist who was as old as he was wise he spoke “ i have listened to your queries and i do not know which action to take your arguments are both right i say we should take this issue up with the Elders and see what action they take”
A young metalaxian records clerk Optro is in the hall of records Hideout walks in and speaks” hey there optro you still working i thought we could go to maccadams old oil house and unwind our gaskets” optro looks on and answers “ive got too much to do here Hideout and ive been summoned by Vector apparently there’s a big meeting at the high council pavilions in the epic tower of pion so i need to be there sorry old friend” Hideout replied “i don’t know how you do it you are close friends with one of the greatest metalaxians functioning today Alpha One they say hes got a deep connection to Beta Centuri the master computer who us all life and the Elders are keeping you close by as well you are the first records clerk in our planets known history” Optro laughed “well if i am going places i will take you along with me anyway we need to swing by alpha Ones lab he has created something he wants us to see”
Optro and Hideout go to alpha ones lab he sees them and smiles he beckons them over to the table and speaks “glad you could make it i have something to show you its called the life force containment system i call it the Algarar many of the elders are near the end of their lifecycle and have decided that there is an elected leader who is sentinel he will lead us into a new age on Metalax each elder has a life force of leadership and they will placed in to the Algarar and passed to sentinel the ceremony is tonight and the science division want to discuss a serious situation” Hideout replied “well thats great alpha one i cant wait for the ceremony tonight and my good friend here optro is going to document everything” optro laughed again “well i think we better roll out they won’t wait for us” as optro and Hideout drove away alpha one switched on his monitor the broad face on his screen was none other than sentinel “alpha one you have served the primes since the beginning and you have never failed us and now you have created the Algarar of leadership that will be passed down from leader to leader your legacy will live on through the ages i hope now im leader i can follow your example i need to ask one more thing from you” alpha One replied “what else could i do for you sentinel ” the Sentinel answered “you have given so many Metalaxians life i have a feeling things are going change tonight and we need to be prepared i want you to create a group of Metalaxians who will become medics and engineers who can deal with warfare will you do this for me” Alpha One replied “of course i can but in return i want to use them as my apprentices so i can retire eventually gracefully” Sentinel smiled “it would be my honour i would not want it any other way we need to keep this between us for now” alpha one nodded and the screen went blank.
At the tower of Prius the elders are stood in a line alpha one walks up to each of them and they in turn put their sparks inside the Algarar and as they do the Algarar start to glow and the elders bodies shapes change they appear shorter and not as strong he then opens sentinels chest compartment and places the Algarar inside him sentinel prime grows and his body changes his voice is lower “I sentinel take the responsibility of leading us Metalaxians to the stars and explore new worlds i will honour the traditions of our elders unfortunately there are now only two elders remaining myself and naught my young apprentice he will be next in line to become leader when i am gone the rest of the elders are no longer active they will retire in peace i thank them and all those who have served our planet now i have something else to share with you all i will now be discussing some issues with the scientists thank you again” Optro turned to Hideout and said “wow only two elders remaining how will that effect our planet we have always relied on the elders to get us out of trouble well hideout I have got to get to the meeting see you in the gamma quadrant” Hideout jumped inside his vehicular module and drove off optro walked up the main steps of the tower aware that he was being watched he turned round and there was nothing there so he carried on walking Darkfire barged past and knocked optro he screamed “get out of my way i have urgent business with sentinel and i don’t need the likes of you to hold me up” here give me your hand” a voice spoke out it was sentinel “hi there um optro isn’t it im sorry about darkfire he is just too eager alpha one tells me good things about you see you in side the great hall” optro couldn’t believe sentinel knew his name because he never really seen sentinel prime it was omega he was close to he was the one who made him records clerk and he had the gift of premonitions in his life force he predicted great things for optro but only if he kept his head down and stayed out of trouble.
At the high council the metalaxians are in the meeting nightwing explains what is going on with situation and their earlier meeting nightwing speaks “thank you for meeting with us sentinel you are indeed a wise courageous leader we have to plan for war just in case you agree i have started work on the first military unit if you don’t agree he can be changed back now this metalaxian was found at the metalaxian pits of zion his name is sigma and I have been impressed by his strength i would like him to be the commander of the metalaxian army. sentinel looked on with a smile on his face "very impressive nightwing i like the look of him he will make a fine soldier" sigma replied " thank you sentinel it is an honour after centuries being stuck in Zion I welcome the change of pace and i do not want to go back" sentinel looked at Sigma and realised he had seen him somewhere before but he looked so much different from the last time they met " ok Sigma I see you are keen so I will allow a trial period those who wish to be converted shall be but if it does not work out then its going to be cancelled so i want nightwing to find me any metalaxian who wants to be changed into a military and I would like a member of the intelligence committee to help Sigma in his mission Darkfire will also accompany sigma as well so your first mission will be a recruitment drive build an army that will protect our world.
Optro looked at Sigma who glanced at optro he spoke to him “ you seem like a strong Metalaxian why don’t you join our army” optro replied “thank you commander Sigma but I am afraid I am not a fighter I am a records clerk if there is anything else you require please it would be an honour “ Sigma smiled and said “ that’s a shame my friend we I have a feeling we will battle together soon enough” with that sigma and darkfire walked away. As they left sigma turned to Darkfire and said “we will make Zion our headquarters and we will create a fleet of spacecrafts known the the nemisis we will explore the galaxy and make the other planets fear us so our planet will be safe now we must go to zion I have something to show you “ darkfire looked angry “well sigma I don’t know why they made you leader when I clearly have more experience in the field well we will follow your plans for now” ”do not cross me darkfire I have waited a long time to get out of zion and now I have permission to go to the prison area of beltherez some of my old workers from zion driven mad and hungry for war we will defend metalax with our honour and destroy all those who get our way”
At the prison of beltherez sigma receives a communication “calling lord sigma I am deltawave and I am here to assist you the intelligence officer is on his way he should be with you in a few astro seconds his name is deltawave and I believe he has some special attributes that will be most useful” “excellent zygon I would like you to be may second in command inform deltawave that we will be at lower level two there’s something myself and darkfire need to do”. sigma and darkfire enter the lift and press the button for lower level two they enter the room and walk over to a giant screen darkfire spoke “mighty sigma why have you brought us to an empty room I am disappointed in you” “silence darkfire we are going somewhere even the primes do not know about” sigma then pressed a series of buttons and the screen opened up and there was a staircase as they walked down the stairs darkfire asked “what is this place sigma “ “many eons a go there were thirteen original elders and a suspected fourteenth but nothing in the records say that he even exists each had a unique ability one had a gift of premonition he is omega when I was activated omega looked at me and sent me to zion with no reason I was visited by torrent he told me that things were set in motion and in the future a war was approaching and I was the key to a new dawn on metalax and I was told to be ready and gather an army only the strong may join me so I built a secret underground arena I built several tunnels from the prison and zion so I staged a fighting arena for those who craved violence and would follow me to war” Deltawave arrived and said “lord Sigma master Sentinel has a mission for us we are to travel to the planet Baldok to unite our worlds we are to take Alpha One with us” Sigma laughed “Torrent is on Baldok as well we must go now let us bring that optro as well I believe he can document the event assemble the armada we have now we must prepare the nemesis”.
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Friday, 20 January 2012
shaun vs shawne the interview with miss jackson
Today for my next interview i would like to welcome up and coming author Shawne Monet Jackson a very interesting chat im sure you will all agree so sit back and enjoy
so shawn tell us a bit about yourself

so shawn tell us a bit about yourself

- Hello Shaun, my name is Shawne Jackson. I am a woman who has been writing since I was in the 6th grade. I used writing to deal with the pain that I felt from being mistreated by other people. People used to tell me that I would never be anything but I always knew that I would grow up and become something great. I'm an 27 year old woman that loves God and I have many gifts and talents. I am a freelance Graphic Designer by trade studying to be an Mental Health Counselor. I have published my first book called The Only One I Love. I am currently working on writing my novel called The Power to Make A Difference.

Shawne Monet Jackson
- ok, lol
- 1. Dwayne Johnson
- I would marry
- lol
- 1. Do not under any circumstances mention any names in books. You don't want a law suit following you in your career.
- 2. Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, are awesome free places to start promoting your book.
- 3. Please, do not tell your dream to someone who does not support you. if you do they might possibly talk you out of it.
- 4. Make sure your dreams are bigger than the Sky. Always Think Big!
- I have several fanpages as a matter of fact
- This is my fanpage as a writer/counselor-
- I have an online TV show called, ShamonjTV1
- This is the fanpage for it
- I even created an page for my Graphic Design business
- Shamonj Graphics,
- My email is
This is my website ok awesome
- I also have 2 more pages for my books
- The Only one I Love,
- The Power to Make A Difference,
- The Power to Make A Difference is my novel I am coming out with
- Estore on createspace,
- You can put that in your blog too
- That is where people can purchase the book
- Awesome
- The Only One I Love French Version,
- That's the French version on the Kindle
- Pretty soon I will create the paperback in the French Version
- I'll be doing that in a few months
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